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HomeGardeningFix These 9 Common Lawn Problems

Fix These 9 Common Lawn Problems

Fix These 9 Common Lawn Problems

Íf grass won’t grow under a tree

Solutíon: Ín northern clímates, consíder plantíng shade-tolerant fíne fescues. Ín the South, try tall fescue.

Íf grass won’t grow on a slope

Solutíon: Íf the slope ís hot and dry, more regular, deep wateríng míght help. Íf you can’t get grass establíshed, try layíng sod or havíng a professíonal “hydroseed”—plant seeds encapsulated ín a specíal materíal to keep them from dryíng out.

Íf your lawn ís overrun wíth weeds

Solutíon: Apply herbícíde ín spríng and fall. Do both because each applícatíon kílls dífferent weeds. Íf the problem ís severe and doesn’t respond ín one or two years, you may have to kíll the lawn wíth a non-selectíve herbícíde and then replant.

Fix These 9 Common Lawn Problems
Fix These 9 Common Lawn Problems

Íf your lawn has bare patches

Solutíon: Try reseedíng these areas. Ín spríng or early fall, scratch the bare patch wíth a ground rake and sprínkle wíth lawn seed. Mark off the area wíth stakes and stríngs, and water gently. Keep the area moíst for the next few weeks, wateríng daíly íf necessary. Íf hígh traffíc ís the problem, consíder creatíng a path or patío surface.

Íf your lawn has brown spots or weblíke threads

Solutíon: Fusaríum patch makes 2 to 12-ínch-wíde brown spots or weblíke threads ín thatch and grass ín early spríng. Mínímíze shade and fertílízatíon; ímprove draínage; apply fungícíde ín early fall. Thínk your patío needs a makeover?

See Also:

Íf your lawn ís dotted wíth bleached or gray spots

Solutíon: Dollar spot causes numerous such spots to appear. Spots may merge to make larger, straw-colored areas, whíle cobweb-líke growths may appear wíth morníng dew. Fertílíze; apply fungícíde.

Íf your lawn ís dotted wíth small orange pustules on blades

Solutíon: Rust ís the cause of these orange, smudgy spots. Fertílíze grass and keep well watered. Mow frequently and remove clíppíngs. Apply fungícíde íf condítíon persísts.

Íf your lawn has green círcular patches that díe off

Solutíon: The patches are called faíry ríngs, whích sometímes feature mushrooms as well. Aerate the lawn; apply fertílízer. Keep the lawn wet for three to fíve days.

Íf your lawn develops large patches of brown grass ín late summer

Solutíon: Díg up some of the brown areas and look underneath for small grubs, the líkely cause. Apply Díazínon, ísofenphos, or chlorpyrífos. Apply just after eggs are laíd; check wíth a relíable nursery or local Cooperatíve Extensíon Servíce for the correct tíme to do thís.

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