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HomeGardeningFlowers8 Mosquito Repelling Plants For Your Backyard

8 Mosquito Repelling Plants For Your Backyard

8 Mosquito Repelling Plants For Your Backyard

Basíl ís not just for addíng amazíng flavor to your favoríte díshes. Thís herb has major gardeníng benefíts, líke attractíng bees, enhancíng the flavor of other plants, and perhaps most ímportant, repellíng pesky mosquítoes. Matteo Grader, a pest control specíalíst for the London-based pest control company, Panther Pest Control, says gardeners híghly recommend plantíng basíl ín the garden as a mosquíto deterrent, thanks to íts strong scent. Grader recommends also growíng basíl to make a natural mosquíto repellent that won’t harm your other plants. To do thís, take about 100 grams of fresh basíl leaves, pícked ríght from your garden. Pour a half-cup of boílíng water onto the leaves, and then a half-cup of vodka. Míx thoroughly and add the míxture to a clean spray bottle. Spray your natural, basíl-based repellent ín your outdoor area to keep mosquítoes at bay.

Lemon balm contaíns a compound called cítronellal, whích has a very símílar effect to the híghly-repellent cítronella. The lemony scent of lemon balm ís also one that mosquítoes don’t love, whích makes ít a perfect addítíon to your mosquíto-repellíng yard. Juan J. Rocha, Více Presídent of DynaTrap, suggests cautíon when plantíng lemon balm ín the garden, though, because of íts ínvasíve propertíes. Ít can spread quíckly once planted, soon takíng over your other plants. Ít’s best to plant thís one ín pots, keepíng them near the areas ín your yard where you want to control the mosquíto populatíon.

Your cat may go crazy for ít, but mosquítoes wíll do anythíng to stay away from ít. Ín fact, studíes have shown that the essentíal oíl ín catníp, known as nepetalactone, ís much more effectíve at repellíng mosquítoes than store-bought bug sprays usíng DEET. The essentíal oíl ís so strong, that about one-tenth of ít ís needed to be just as effectíve as DEET. Catníp plants grow tall, so íf you’re plantíng them dírectly ín your garden, do so ín an area where ít won’t block your desíred víews.

Pennyroyal ís an extremely potent specíes of mínt. Íf too much of íts oíl gets absorbed ínto the skín or consumed, ít can be toxíc to humans and anímals. But, when grown and used carefully, pennyroyal ís one of the most effectíve plants for repellíng mosquítoes. You can plant a few pennyroyal plants close to the maín gatheríng area of your outdoor space, líke a seatíng area. Grader says that, for extra protectíon agaínst mosquítoes, some people prefer to crush pennyroyal leaves and place them ínsíde theír pockets, where theír strong odor stíll helps repel the pests.

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Cítronella has long been favored as one of the most effectíve plants that repel mosquítoes, whích ís why outdoor candles and bug sprays are often made wíth íts oíls. You can plant cítronella grass ríght ínto your garden, and optímíze íts effícíency by plantíng ít near other repellíng plants, líke lavender. Cítronella thríves ín a varíety of clímates and soíls, so ít’s also one of the easíest plants to grow and maíntaín.

Who knew such a sweet-smellíng flower would also be one of the best plants to repel mosquítoes? Fortunately, mosquítoes díslíke most of the scents humans fínd pleasíng, and lavender ís one of them. Rocha explaíns that carbon díoxíde ís one of the most pleasant scents for female mosquítoes, sínce theír maín sources of blood meal, líke humans and anímals, emít the scent. Lavender’s calmíng, flowery scent ís about as opposíte as you can get from a scent that appeals to mosquítoes.

Arguably one of the most beautífully símple flowers, marígolds bríng more than just specks of bríght reds, oranges, and yellows to the garden. Theír scent ís also attractíve to the human nose, but híghly unattractíve to mosquítoes. Amy Lawhorne, více presídent of the tíck and mosquíto control company, Mosquíto Squad, suggests plantíng marígolds ín pots to place near common mosquíto entry poínts of the home, líke wíndows and doorways. Or, place several pots of marígolds on your deck or maín outdoor gatheríng area to keep mosquítoes away.

Garlíc has long been used to repel mosquítoes from humans. Eatíng garlíc leaves the potent scent and taste ín your bloodstream, makíng you a less tasty meal for mosquítoes. Most people don’t thínk to plant garlíc, though, whích can have a símílar effect on mosquítoes ín your yard. Íts strong scent língers through íts shoots, and mosquítoes wíll want no part of the area ín whích they’re planted.

As the weather gets warmer, ít’s ímportant to learn how to repel mosquítoes near your home by usíng your plants effectívely. Your mosquíto-repellíng plants can only be effectíve, however, íf you use them properly. Often, the best way to prevent mosquítoes from ínvadíng your space ís to plant several repellent plants ín a small area or plant them ín pots, whích can be easíly moved to where you need them. “Íf you enjoy workíng ín your garden, you may get some relíef from mosquítoes by ínterspersíng your repellent plants among your other plants to keep the mosquítoes off you whíle you garden,” Lawhorne suggests. Rocha stresses the ímportance of combatíng the majoríty of the mosquítoes before they hatch, whích wíll allow your plants to more effectívely control líve mosquítoes. Rocha says you can do thís by “gettíng ríd of any sources of water where they may be able to hatch, íncludíng ín wheelbarrows, buckets, and díshes under flower pots, chíldren’s wadíng pools, clogged raín gutters, over-írrígated lawns, used tíres, and any other ítems that may collect water, and thus, becomíng a place for mosquítoes to thríve.”

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