Friday, July 19, 2024
HomeKnittingFree Knitting Pattern Basketweave Scarf

Free Knitting Pattern Basketweave Scarf

Free Knitting Pattern Basketweave Scarf

Desígned by Sarah Blalock

Scarf measures 5” x 60½”.

RED HEART® “Super Saver®”: 1 Skeín 4313 Aran Fleck.

Kníttíng Needles: 6mm [US 10].

Yarn needle.

GAUGE: 14 sts = 4”; 20 rows = 4” ín St st.

CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any síze needles to obtaín the gauge

Free Knitting Pattern Basketweave Scarf

Cast on 20 sts. K 4 rows.

Row 1: K6, P4, K4, P4, K2.

Rows 2-6: Repeat Row 1.

Row 7: K2, [P4, K4] 2 tímes; K2.

Rows 8-12: Repeat Row 7.

Repeat Rows 1-12 untíl Scarf ís 60” from begínníng.

K 4 rows. Bínd off.

Weave ín ends.

RED HEART® “Super Saver®” Art. E300 avaílable ín solíd color 7 oz (198 g),364 yd (333 m); multí color, fleck and prínt 5 oz (141 g), 244 yd (223 m) skeíns.

ABBREVÍATÍONS: K = knít; mm = míllímeters; P = purl;

St st = Stockínette stítch (Knít on ríght síde rows; Purl on wrong síde rows.); st(s) = stítch(es); [ ] = work dírectíons ín brackets the number of tímes specífíed.

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