Home Knitting Periwinkle Petite Purse Free Knitting Pattern

Periwinkle Petite Purse Free Knitting Pattern

Periwinkle Petite Purse Free Knitting Pattern
Periwinkle Petite Purse Free Knitting Pattern

Periwinkle Petite Purse Free Knitting Pattern

This Periwinkle petite purse-free knitting pattern will be your next favorite accessory. You can fit all your daily projects like smartphones, cash, car keys the measurements are approximately 4″ x 6″. You will be amazed at this free knitting pattern. It’s easy to knitted plus you can choose any color you desire and match your unique style.


  • 1 skein finger/sock weight yarn
  • US 2 (2.75 mm) dpns or short circular needles
  • taoestry needle
  • 1 – ¾ inch button
  • needle and thread
  • 1-2 m of 4 mm diameter silk cord (shown in truffle)
  • 2 – 17mm stainless steel circle clasps
  • 2 – 4 mm stainless steel end cups
  • 2 – 8 mm stainless steel jump rings
  • 2 small sets of pliers
  • G-S Hypo Cement

  • CO – cast on
  • k – knit
  • p – purl
  • RS – right side
  • WS – wrong side
  • ssk – slip two stitches individually knitwise, then knit the two stitches together through the back loops
  • k2tog – knit 2 stitches togetherGet Free Knitting Pattern Here
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